Our Family

Our Family
Christmas 2010

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My heart stopped for a hour!

I have had some crazy bad cramps for a few days so I called my doctor and they said they want to get me right in to do an ultrasound and blood work to make sure I'm not miscarrying. My appointment was not for an hour after they called. I called Justin and had a good cry and freaked out a little bit. The worst thing is having him gone. But my mom came with me so that was good. They got me right into the ultrasound and at first the tech was just looking around. After a few minutes she said there is your babies heart beat and it is very active. She would start to measure the heartbeat and it would jump. It was so funny. After we did the ultrasound they had me go do lab work. The doctor told me that I had a UTI and that was making me cramp and that was way better than a miscarriage. Wow that was very stressful and I'm so glad that it went good. But for that hour I really think my heart stopped!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

11 weeks

Friday was my first doctors appointment. They didn't do much but when he went to listen to the heart beat he couldn't find it. He was not worried but that meant we gone to go do an ultrasound. So we went a pick up Brinley so she could go to. She seen the baby on the screen but of course she is little so she didn't know that it was the baby in my tummy. I'm still to early to find out what he are having and that stinks but I hope we can do one in a few weeks so we can see. I want to start painting the nursing. I'm so excited to have my OWN house so I can paint the walls and hang pictures. So I hope in a few weeks we can do an ultrasound. I can't wait!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Brinley is going to be Big Sister!

We are having a baby! About a month ago we got insurance back so we decided that we were going to take my IUD out and see what happens to have a baby. The doctor said that is would take about 3 months for me to start and get regular. Well 2 days later I started. So I was 8 days late if I was regular and just thought oh well my body is all messed up from the IUD. Then later night we went to dinner and I didn't feel good. So at 8:30 at night I went to the store and bought a test come home and 3 minutes later... YEAH!! So now how do we tell everyone. We wanted to make Brinley a shirt that said "I'm going to be a big sister" but there is no way I could kept a secret that long. We decided to have Brinley color a picture on a card and we googled to see what development a baby has at 4 week and seen that they get a heart beat. So we wrote on the card "your 8th/16th grand child just developed a heart beat!" And had brinley give it to them today. It was so fun to see their faces light up! We are so excited! I calulated our due date on the computer and it said Oct. 26 that is 3 days before my birthday and Brinley was born 3 days before Justin birthday. This is the best birthday present ever!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Potty training

I have been want to potty train Brinley lately and I have been doing a little bit like putting her on a little potty every now and then but I just decided yesterday that I'm just going to do it. So I put her in underwear and put her in the potty every ten minutes. I don't start until 7 at night and she went an hour before she peed in her panties and then we went to back. Then today we have not been home a lot so I started at 6 put her in panties and set a timer for every 10 mins. We went and sat there for a minute or so and after an hour and a half she went potty in the toilet. I screammed so loud I think I scared her. We called daddy and grandmas and 10 mins. Later she went again she went 3 times in a row it is now 8:30 and she is still dry. I'm so excited. I almost started to cry. It is so silly the thing that parent get so excited about but I love it! I love being Mom it is the great joy in my life and I'm so blessed to be able to be a stay at home with her to. Sometimes it is hard with Justin here but life is still good.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I know I was not going to be good at this bolg thing!

I started this blog because I great friend of mine said I should try it. I was so excited to start it and keep it going. Well I haven't done so great at it. I guess I have some what of a good reason life of the Schear Family has been a little crazy the pass few months. Justin has been working in Jackson Hole,WY the past month and Brinley and I has been staying at my moms house. We are looking to buy a house right now but with not knowing where we are going and what we are doing it is not working out that great. About 3 weeks ago we put an offer in on a house in LaVerkin but we are a second offer on a short sale house so we are not holding our breath. So I guess we well still look and just pray that Justins job can bring him home to Hurricane soon.

Brinley is 10 days away from being 11 months and 40 days away from being ONE YEAR OLD!! I am so excited for her first birthday. I can't believe it has been almost a year since I have my beautiful baby girl. She is so stinking smart. She is almost walking about 1 week ago she took her first steps from my moms couch to the other. This week we are n Jackson with Justin and she is getting alot more brave. She is taking a few more steps. She up to about 5 steps in a row. It is so much fun to watch her grow. When my dad comes home on weekends he  trys to get her to walk and I told him not to teach her to walk and now I want her to walk before Easter so we can do the Easter Egg Hunt. I love Easter. She is also talking a little more. When the phone rings and I say "Hello" she well say "HI". It is so cute. Other words we can understand is Mom and Dad (when she choices to say it) and Yeah! She says alot of other things to but I just can't understand it yet. :) Having Brinley is the BEST blessing in the world. I cant wait to see what other things she learns in the DAYS to come.

Things I have been up to. I have wanted to go to Wyoming for a really long time. I wanted to go to Cheyenne the most but anywhere in Wyoming would be okay. Well with Justin working here Brinley and I got to ride up with him and his Dad about 3 weeks ago and stayed for the week. I have also wanted to see Elk. I have not seen elk in the wild for a VERY long time. I even went elk hunting with Justin 2 years ago in the freezing cold snow (and I hate snow) to try and see some and we didnt see one. One of the last weekends in Moab we drove up to the mountains and we seen two big bull elk and that was way cool. Well on the rode to Jackson we seen a HUGE herd of elk right off I-15 by Cove Fork Junction (the junction I passed a million times going to and from Moab) I was so excited. I thought that was the biggest herd ever. And  then I came to WY. Justin took me out for a ride when we got here and I seen more elk then you could ever image. It is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I started to cry because it was just so awesome. After we seen the elk we drive up the river a ways and we seen 2 moose stand by the river. I started balling!! It was crazy I had just seen over 7,000 head of elk and 2 moose. My trip to WY was AMAZING. I didn't like the snow and weather but the wildlife the best.

So there is our life the passed month in a nut shell. I hope things well start to slow down soon and we can get a house and our lives can get back to normal. Even though it is hard to be away from Justin for long periods of time and we dont have a "home" I thank God Justin has a job.

(I well post picture of all the excitement soon)

Monday, February 7, 2011

What is up with the Schear Family?

WOW where to start? Right now we are living (staying) in Murray, UT with Justin's brother Luke and Justin is working still with Wadsworth Brother in Provo. We still have no clue what is going on at this point. So basically  WE ARE HOMELESS. This is the worst feeling every, Im thankful that Justin has a job and that his brother is so nice and let us stay here but I wish I had our own place to call home. Justin was just looking on the Internet at stuff and seen a nice house in LaVerkin for $53,000. It got me so excited when he started talking about maybe buying it. Then we talked to his Dad and it sounds like he might be going to Jackson Hole, WY for a few months so what then. He got a job offer working for Red Canyon in Hurricane for a 5 month project but they don't know when it well start. Wadsworth has a job in St. George but same thing they don't know when it well start too. It all still just a waiting game.  It is so hard but I know that his Dad is doing everything he can to help us figure it out. I just hope and pray we know soon.

Well that is about our living and job stuff now for the Brinley update. She is growing up so fast. Before we  left Moab she climbed up all of our stairs with her Daddy behind her and Grandma at the top waiting for her. She was so proud of her self. She now has a fit throwing face and it is so funny. She loves to talk your ear off even if you are not listening to her and she loves to get into things that you say NO to. Uncle Luke has his house so cute and there is alot to play with that can brake. So it is fun to try and keep her away of it. Everyday she has a different personally and it is so fun to see it come out.

Hopefully soon I can write about what we are doing and know for sure what is going on. Until then we are going to enjoy all the shopping and fast food in Salt Lake. :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The moving has started!

We started the packing and moving this weekend. Justin came home with his parents trailer Wednesday so we throw all the big things in and Thursday night we headed out for Hurricane. We still dont know where we are going or what is going on. SO for now we are taking all our stuff to a storage unit in St. George til we know. I hope we know SOON for now we are going to live apart. Justin has a one month job in Salt Lake and dont know how much long he will be there so we can't find a place to live il we know that. So Brinley and I well be going to live with my mom til we know the next step.